what shows m hamel's love for the french language

M Hamel said that the French language was the worlds most beautiful, clearest, and logical language and therefore it should be guarded and should not be forgotten by them. The Chapter is LAST LESSON written by Alphonse Daudet. Ans. d) He thinks that M. Hamels patriotism and sense of duty resulted in his poverty. The new Prussian rulers discontinued the teaching of French in the schools of these two districts. He calls it the clearest and most logical language too. Everybody was extremely hurt by the announcement because He served the society in the same school for about 40 years towards the cause of education. Hamel was a very dedicated French Teacher in one of the schools of Alsace. What was M. Hamels view/opinion on the French language? C) love for ones country and its people. Answer the following in about 125-150 words 6 x 2 = 12 1.Write a character sketch of little Franz. He appealed to the children and the people of the village to (d) To quietly walk in whn everyone was preoccupied with participles. The French teachers were asked to leave. As a mark of his love for the French language, M. Hamel gave a tribute to his mother tongue in his last lesson. M. Hamel said that French was the most beautiful language in the world-the clearest and the most logical. There came an order from Berhin banning the teaching of French. Was this answer helpful6 Because it was his native language C. Because people were from France D. None of these. Answer : Franz did not want to go to school that day as he had not prepared his lesson on participles. There came a sudden sea-change in the minds of students who were indifferent to their own language, its grammar and literature. What made M Hamel cry towards the end of his last lesson? The last French lesson taught by M. Hamel symbolizes the loss of language and the loss of freedom of France. His praise for his mother tongue shows his great love for French. Hamel, paragraphs 20 and 21. M. Hamels saying happened earlier than the events in this story. Watch as much as you want, anytime you want. Netflix Netflix. d. wanted to teach French participles through it. M Hamel pays his tribute the country and french language by doing his 30 years honest duty in school by teaching the french language to students. M.Hamel goes on to declare that french is the most beautiful & clearest language in the world. Teaching at Alsace for forty years, he had become a part of its people. He wore his ceremonial dress. Moreover, he requests the students to guard it as much as possible. M. Hamel. - Forgot about M. Hamel's ruler and how cranky he was - M. Hamel praised French as the most beautiful, clear, and logical language, making people realize its importance - shows people's love for their own culture, traditions, and motherland. B) Patriotism, unity and love for mother tongue. A. M Hamel was a linguistic chauvinist. Question 5. According to M.Hamel, French is the most logical and the clearest language of the world. He felt very guilty for deliberately ignoring to learn his native language and he suddenly developed a strange fascination for his language and his school. Question 4: What shows Monsieur Hamels love for the French language? What shows M.Hamel's love for the French language. 51] Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school ? Describe how regretful Mr. Hamel and the village elders are for having neglected their native language, French. M. Hamel went on to talk of French language. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day ? He also added that love with ones own language can be proven as the key to the prison for the people who are enslaved. b. wanted to distract all attending class that day. Feeling devastated that The Last Lesson Summary in English. Question 2. (b) Commotion in the class. His demeanour had also changed dramatically, and he was more pleasant than normal. I think it would interest you to know that this short was a translation of La Dernire Leon which literally means- last lesson. He wanted them to preserve the language with them, thus showing his love for the language. Before leaving he also wrote on the blackboard as large as he could The order from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine left a deep impact on M. Hamel as well as the villagers. Share with your friends. It was the clearest and the most logical language. a) He empathizes with M. Hamel as he had to leave the village. What shows M. Hamels love for the French language? M. Hamel, the teacher described French language as worlds most beautiful, clearest and logical language. These words were written by M. Hamel to show his respect and love for the french language. What was the last lesson aboutA) A) French language and grammar, history. The Last Lesson set in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, in which Prussia, led by Bismarck, defeated France, and the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine entered Prussias hands. M. Hamel had said that he would question us on participles. He asked them to guard it among them and never _ forget it. M. Hamel feels genuinely proud of French language. Describe how regretful Mr. Hamel and the village elders are for having neglected their native language, French. M. Hamel had taught French language in the school for forty years and was overcome with emotion when he realized that the villagers would not be able to learn it anymore. He called it the most beautiful language in the world, the clearest and most logical. He asked the students and the village elders to guard it and never forget it because it would give them a cultural identity, a sense of freedom, and would also help them to remain united. He called it the most beautiful language in the world, the clearest and most logical. To show him immense respect for his hard work and efforts, all the villagers attend his last lesson in French. 42. Who did M Hamel blame for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz? Concluding his last lesson by writing Vive la France! on the blackboard shows that M. Hamel . He asked them to guard it among them and never forget it. He asked the students and the village elders to guard it and never forget it because it would give them a cultural identity, a sense of freedom, and would also help them to remain united. You didn't mention from which book this question is but i suppose it is from class 12th English book Flamingo. The presence of village elders helped the children realize the essential role played by Answer: Monsieur Hamel told the students in his last lesson that the French language was the most beautiful language in the world, the clearest and the most logical. On many occasions, This made all the distinguished village elders feel guilty of ignoring their mother tongue. M. Hamel's teaching french even when he was to leave shows his commitment towards french language 0 MCQ ( 1 MARK ) Q-1 The story The Last Lesson highlights which human tendency? A. to complain B. to say goodbye C. to gossip D. to show gratitude. c. was keen on not leaving the country. It looked as if he wanted to pour everything in the minds of his students just in one stroke. How does the presence of village elders in the classroom and M. Hamels last lesson show their love for French? When people were enslaved, as long as they held fast to their language, they had the key to their prison. Our native language is a part of our culture and we are proud of it. M. Hamel wanted the French people to preserve it as it would help them to be free from the foreign rule. Because it was the clearest and logical B. His behaviour was very kind. Ans: M. Hamel told them that French was the most beautiful language in the world. Hamel stands proud and begins to address his students and the village people who have come to sit in on the last lesson. 50] Why did Mr. M. Hamel call French language the most beautiful ? He also held himself responsible for Ans.1 Franz noticed that the school was unusually silent that day, upon his late arrival to the school, his teacher Mr.M Hamel did not scold him. He shows us that there isn't any shame in accepting one's faults. The two points which show to that the people of Alsace loved their language are. They also wanted to express their attachment to their own language French. Our native language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. It was the clearest and the most logical language. While teaching his last French lesson in the school, M. Hamel expressed his sadness over the fact that Frenchmen would not be able to speak or write their own language. The whole story is narrated in the past. c. they did not come to M. Hamels class d. they did not love the French language. M. Hamel told them that French was the most beautiful language in the world. Was this answer helpful? M. Hamel declared that French was the most beautiful, logical and lucid language in the world. They did this to show their affection for the French language and pay respect to the teacher, M Hamel. He regrets that the people of Alsace have not paid much heed to the learning of this great language. Ans. The village elders were there to pay tribute to their native language. MCQ ( 1 MARK ) Q-1 The story The Last Lesson highlights which human tendency? In his last lesson Hamel taught so well that all the students understood word by word. M. Hamel blames himself and the natives for neglecting their native language, French. Answer~~ A language of a country is the identity of that nation. Long Answer Type Questions Q1. Comment 4. The last lesson story has two protagonists, M. Hamel and Franz. The French districts of Alsace and Lorraine went into Prussian hands. It is the clearest Show Answer M. Hamel blames himself and the natives for neglecting their native language, French. Share 4. Elders had come to the classroom to pay respect to Hamel. Suddenly people realise how precious is their language to them. ', bearing on with all his might with a piece of chalk on the blackboard. There came an order from Berhin banning the teaching of French. Answer: Hello, I assume youre talking about The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet. 2.Draw a pen portrait of M. Hamel. (d) It is unique and reflects He shows us that there isn't any shame in accepting one's faults. He appealed to the children and the people of the village to He did not blame his students alone for poor learning. In his last lesson Hamel taught so well that all the students understood word by word. He respected his country and also described French as the most beautiful language of all the languages in the world. The emotions portrayed by M. Hamel, Franz and other villagers in the aftermath of the declaration made by the incoming foreign power that French was to be replaced by German clearly showed the love and respect they had for their language. The deep connection between identity and language becomes prominent when the Prussians, out of their linguistic chauvinism impose their language on a French speaking populace of the districts they have captured. M Hamel was saddened by the fact that German language was imposed on to the French people. M Hamel said that the French language was the worlds most beautiful, clearest, and logical language and therefore it should be guarded and should not be forgotten by them. Hamel was a very dedicated French Teacher in one of the schools of Alsace. He gave a reason also. It was so warm, so bright! What shows M Hamels love for the French language? Answer: (b) true patriot. D) how to learn language and remember it. Question.8. Long Answer Type Question 5 marks 1. M.Hamel, in his last lesson, tells his students about the beauty of their language, French, which is now being replaced by German because of the orders that have come from Berlin. How did M. Hamel display his love for the French Language? They developed a new profound love for French. c) He feels sorry for M. Hamel as it was his last French lesson. Mr Hamel is a great lover of his language. M. Hamel told them that French was the most beautiful language in the world. A. M. Hamel said that French was the most beautiful language in the world-the clearest and the most logical. You read a description of a French researcher's work in an English language journal. Question.7. What shows Mr Hamels love for the French language? He laments that the village elders and he himself too did not give much importance to learning French. [Foreign 2013] Answer: As a mark of his love for the French language, M. Hamel gave a tribute to his mother tongue in his last lesson. He laments that the village elders and he himself too did not give much importance to learning French. As a teacher, Mr. Hamel teaches his students not to waste their precious time. Then M. Hamel talked b) He believes that M. Hamels fine Sunday clothes clearly reflected that he was not rich. The old people of the village sat quietly on the back benches on the day of M. Hamel's last lesson. At the end of "The Last Lesson," the church bell strikes twelve and the trumpets of Prussian military men can be heard outside the classroom windows. M.Hamel spoke about the beauty of French language by saying that it was the most beautiful, the clearest and the logical language in the the world . He goes on saying that it is the best structured language with the He was a man of perfect discipline. Answer. Q2. He says that French is the most beautiful language in the world. It was the clearest and the most logical language. M Hamel had to deliver his last lesson on that day. The teacher patiently explained the lesson to an extremely attentive audience. (a) M.Hamel's teaching on the blackboard. They regretted not attending the classes more than they did and for not valuing the French language when they had the chance. As a teacher, Mr. Hamel teaches his students not to waste their precious time. (a) It is what makes you respect your countrymen. Even the village elders seem to endorse M.Hamel's views. What was Franz banking on to enter the class as he was late? The shocking order from Berlin arouses patriotic feelings in him. Linguistic chauvinism is having an absurdly extravagant pride in ones language. Community & Solidarity: Daudets story depicts French villagers responding to restrictions on their freedoms that have been imposed on them by foreign Prussian invaders. He gave a reason also. It was the clearest and the most logical language. Hints - Alsace and Lorraine taken over by the Prussians - directive from Berlin to teach German in schools - the people shocked at the news - remorse expression on the missed classes by M. Hamel - his reproach on the elders attitude - stress on the importance of French language and keeping it alive - the last lesson made memorable by M. Hamel Give Character Sketch of M. Hamel 2. Ans- D Though Mr Hamel had been a sincere teacher, he repented his giving of holidays as that kept his students from learning their language, French, thoroughly. Also read : Indigo chapter summary in simple word He The school master of a small village school in the French region of Alsace-Lorraine. Prussia gained victory over Alsace. Only then the people realised the importance of their language. For a moment I thought of running away and spending the day out of doors. During this time, M. Hamel tells the people that French is the most beautiful language in the world. Before ending his last French lesson, M. Hamel wrote Vive La France! on the board. According to him, French was the most beautiful language in the world. This form of the verb is called the past perfect. (c) You can express yourself. Rather they are victims of it. He had specific regard for his own language and told upon the students about the importance of learning their own language. He has been teaching at the school for forty years. The story is narrated by a young school boy, Franz and it describes the last French lesson given by M. Hamel, who had been teaching in the same place for the last forty years. It looked as if he wanted to pour everything in the minds of his students just in one stroke. A. What shows Hamels deep rooted love for the French language? It was the clearest and the most logical language. He was an honest teacher. Romantic dramas, funny comedies, scary horror stories, action-packed thrillers these movies and TV shows in French have something for fans of all genres. M Hamel was saddened by the fact that German language was imposed on to the French people. He praised French as the most beautiful, clear and logical language. 2. Short Answer Type Questions : 3 Marks (30-40 Words) Answer : The elderly villagers occupied the back benches in the classroom on the day of the last lesson. (Delhi 2011, 2015) 43. He called it the most beautiful language in the world, the clearest and most logical. But the love of Hamel and the village elders for French doesn't amount to this. Our language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. What words did M Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class? M.Hamel, in his last lesson, tells his students about the beauty of their language, French, which is now being replaced by German because of the orders that have come from Berlin. The song shows his deep love for French. M. Hamel was the most dedicated, hard working and a learned teacher of French. Q23. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. Q. Mr. Hamel feels that they must guard the French language and never forget it because a. French is the most logical language b. M. Hamel begins the school lesson by announcing to the stunned students and townspeople who have gathered in the room that this is to be the last lesson to be held in French. Orders were sent from Berlin that the schools of the Alsace and Larraine would teach only German instead of French. Ans. Question. On many occasions, Or What did M Hamel tell them about the French language? earlier people were indifferent towards their language but now they made a new fond love for french. The phrase vive LA France means long live France. What did M. Hamel tell them about the French language? Select Language JOIN TV shows, anime, award-winning Netflix originals, and more. During this time, M. Hamel tells the people that French is the most beautiful language in the world. The link between the French language and French cultural identity becomes clearer to Franz as the lesson proceeds. He also added that love with ones own language can be proven as the key to the prison for the people who are enslaved. It is the clearest and the most logical language. He said that French was the most beautiful, clearest and logical language. In his classroom, he carries a ruler which he raps against his table threateningly. Answer: Franz and the old men of the village were sorry for not paying attention towards their native language. What did M Hamel tell them about the French language? On the day of the last lesson by M. Hamel, children were joined by the village elders for the class. He loves French as the most beautiful language in the world. He was a man of perfect discipline. Pride in ones language reflects pride in the motherland. Write a note on the character of M. Hamel as a teacher. Though Mr Hamel had been a sincere teacher, he repented his giving of holidays as that kept his students from learning their language, French, thoroughly. a. was overwhelmed with emotions. Franz thinks, "Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?" b) Franz mentioned how cranky M. Hamel was and his great ruler rapping on the table. He displayed his zeal and enthusiasm toward the French language by calling it the most beautiful, clearest, and logical language. M. Hamel displayed his love for french language by saying that it was the most beautiful language in the world, the clearest , the most logical and we must safeguard it and never forget it. M. Hamel was deeply in love with French language but his love does not amount to linguistic chauvinism. He goes on saying that it is the best structured language with the This shows peoples love for their own culture, traditions and country. M. Hamels love for French is genuine. Answer. Answer (1 of 5): Character of M. Hamel M. Hamel was a true French man. He was overcome by emotions of patriotism and could not speak . How did M. Hamel display his love for the French language? answered May 1, 2020 by Mubarak01 (48.6k points) selected May 2, 2020 by RadhaRani. Course Hero member to access this document. M. Hamel is stern and intimidating to his pupils, among them the narrator of the story, Franz. M. Hamels last lesson The last day for French in the school started with a grammar session, followed by a writing exercise and a history lesson. Question 4. M. Hamel's love for French is genuine. He wanted them to preserve the language with them, thus showing his love for the language. The phrase vive LA France means long live France. He also told that the love with ones own language can be proven as the key to the prison for the people who live in enslaved country. iii Choose the option that might raise a question about M. Hamels faithful service. Extract 1. This demostrates that: (a) He is concerned. What did he ask them to do and why? How did M. Hamel express farewell to the students and the people of the town? M Hamel had taught the French language in the school- for forty years and was overcome with emotion when he realized that the villagers would not be able to learn it any more. 39 ; Answer. I started for school very late that morning and was in great dread of a scolding, especially because M. Hamel had said that he would question us on participles, and I did not know the first word about them. Ans. M Hamel told the class that the French was the most beautiful, clearest and most logical language. M Hamel, in his last lesson, says that the French language is the most beautiful language in the world. What shows mr hamel's love for the France language Report ; Posted by Anita Pal 9 months, CBSE > Class 12 > English Core 2 answers; Kunal Sharma 9 months, 1 week ago. Daudet establishes that M. Hamel and the other the residents of Alsace-Lorraine are a defeated people, their land having passed into the control of Prussian invaders. And as it was his last day teaching French to the students and he loved the French language as he believed it was the most beautiful language, he wanted it to live long. Ans- A. The story describes the last day of one such French, M. Hamel. Ans. Why does the author urge the reader to respect his language? In the sentence above, the verb form had said in the first part is used to indicate an earlier past. This preview shows page 1 they did not come to M. Hamels class (d) they did not love the French language. As a mark of his love for the French language, M. Hamel gave a tribute to his mother tongue in his last lesson. He asked everyone to guard it among them and never forgot it and also gave the reason that when people are enslaved as long as they hold fast to their language ,they had key to their prison .Before the ending the last lesson he wrote ''Vive La On the morning that news arrives that the French language will be banned in schools in the Prussian- controlled Alsace-Lorraine region, hierarchies and divisions among the village people are cast aside. He wrote the words Vive la France meaning long live France on the blackboard. Ans. (b) It is the key to freedom. Question. Answer: When M.Hamel mounted on the chair and announced that he was there to teach his last French lesson that day, Franz was shocked and surprised. Q. He says that it is the most beautiful language in the world. Q3. D) he counted on the hustle and bustle that was usual in the school. Upload your study docs or become a. we all have a great deal to reproach ourselves with, said M Hamel. Hints- Alsace and Lorraine taken over by the Prussians-directive from Berlin to teach German in schools-the people shocked at the news-remorse expression on the missed classes by M. Hamel-his reproach on the elders attitude-stress on the importance of French language and keeping it alive-the last lesson made memorable by M. Hamel 3. What views did M.Hamel express regarding the French language? Q. What did they mean? Was this answer helpful6 The shocking order from Berlin arouses patriotic feelings in him. M.Hamel Declared that French was the most beautiful language of the world. It affected the life at M. Hamels school a great deal. German is being imposed on the French speaking people of Alsace. CBSE > Class 12 > English Core. Answer: I would correct your question to how did Monsieur Hamel PRAISE the French Language in The Last Lesson by Daudet? I have not read this story but in five minutes I found the answer on several cheat sheet sites on the web. Then M. Hamel talked On the other hand the people of Alsace and Lorraine were made victims of learning German. How does the presence of village elders in the classroom and Mr. Hamels last lesson show their love for French? Franz/M. He explained how ones language can serve as a ray of hope in times of enslavement and captivity. Ans: According to M. Hamel, French was the most beautiful language in the world. Teaching of French language was ordered to be discontinued and the French teachers were asked to leave. To show him immense respect for his hard work and efforts, all the villagers attend his last lesson in French. (Delhi 2015) 45. It was their last lesson in French. Question No.:-3. Best answer. It was the last act of standing up and declaring with full pride. M. Hamel showed pride in his language by writing in as large letters as possible the words 'Vive La France! In addition, he wrote on the blackboard, Long Live France! at the end of the lesson. It becomes an emotional lesson rendered by M. Hamel to the villagers signifying the changing order of life, its sensibility, its emotions and rule. Then he stopped and dismissed school with a gesture of his hand. He describes it as the clearest and the most logical of What shows M Hamels love for the French language? (c) Hauser helping him sneak in. Our language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. They had come to show their respect and gratitude to M. Hamel. He says that it is the most beautiful language in the world. (Foreign 2014) 44. He was proud of French, his mother tongue. Ans . When Franz fails to recite the rule for the participle, M. Hamel gently chides him, telling him and the rest of the gathered school children and villagers that it has not served them well to put off learning until tomorrow. JOIN NOW. Though he reveals the importance of learning ones own language. He urges others never to forget such a beautiful language. M. Hamel, the French teacher, was upset and distraught at having to leave the school after forty years of teaching his home tongue. a) When Franz came late, M. Hamel told him that he was about to begin class without him. M.Hamel is intorduced as a ruler-welding teacher. He respected his country and also described French as the most beautiful language of all the languages in the world. When a people were enslaved, as long as they held fast to their language, they had the key to their prison. He felt sorry for the villagers for showing indifference towards the learning of French.

what shows m hamel's love for the french language

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