1 gram of antimatter explosion radius

The positron has the same mass as an electron but with a positive charge, rather than negative. Even Master chief would have a hard time living through that impact. This page will calculate blast effects for conventional explosives of arbitrary weights, based on the scaling laws printed in Carey Sublette's well-known Nuclear Weapons FAQ, with a few additions from the Effects of Nuclear Weapons and curves found via Curve Expert.. One pound of TNT equivalence is approximately 0.00000045359237 kilotons for the purposes Such a person, according to Einstein, has a rest energy of 5.6 10 12 mega joules (MJ). crazy over the top explosion? Antimatter-matter annihilations have the potential to release a huge amount of energy. With just 1 gram antimatter, the twofold energy of atom bomb that was dropped in Hiroshima can be acquired. Explosion (a definition) An explosion is the sudden release of energy into an atmosphere in which it cannot be contained, and as with shock loads this can be anything from 1 Joule to many mega-Joules; it's all a matter of degree. Explosion (a definition) An explosion is the sudden release of energy into an atmosphere in which it cannot be contained, and as with shock loads this can be anything from 1 Joule to many mega-Joules; it's all a matter of degree. A gram of antimatter could produce an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb. #17. What is the radius of a nuclear bomb? If you absolutely, positively need to sterilize the surface, you must blast it from orbit. USSR, most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, yield of 50 megatons, (50 million tons of TNT). Just started playing around with Nova, messing with AMD. Anti-matter is about 2 orders of magnitude more energy dense than deuterium. 1 gram of antimatter plus 1 gram of matter equals roughly 2 Hiroshimas. An antimatter weapon is a theoretically possible device using antimatter as a power source, a propellant, or an explosive for a weapon. Energetic gamma rays are created by the intense heat in the core of the star. These type of supernovae occur only in stars above 100 solar masses, and are incredibly bright. However, humans have produced only a minuscule amount of antimatter. the antimatter bomb 1.antimatter bomb:currently not a real threat to the the world, as antimatter is extremely expensive to produce and the total amount manufactured to date would only power a 60 watt light bulb for a few hours and costs $ billions to produce. with a depleted uranium tamper instead of one made of lead) it would have been 100 megatons. Categories. According to the chart, the Dinosaur Killer was 80 teratons of TNT, or 3.4 x 10 23 joules. If 1 gram of antimatter came into contact with ordinary matter, it would annihilate and release about 22 kilotons of TNT-worth of energy, almost exactly equal to the Fat Man atom bomb that destroyed Nagasaki. Bomb squad gets to it, they don't know its antimatter and turn of power to the device, it explodes. You have antimatter containment capsule that only has to hold out for seconds at most when fired. Presuming that this would react with an equal amount of matter, the total reaction mass would be just under 56.7 grams, or 0.0567 kilogrammes. The real problem with antimatter is that its extremely difficult and expensive to produce.Using info from this link [angelsanddemons.web.cern.ch] i found that the energy required to produce 1 gram of antimatter is 90,000 GJ.With some extra search in the web i found that if it was possible to create an antimatter specialised factory,it will gonna need around 180,000 GJ Imagine a bunch of loonies that have tiny metal balls with increasingly large fractions of a gram of antimatter in them. CERN which created to about 1 nanogram of antimatter, and DESY in Germany which manufactured approximately 2 nanograms of positrons to date. The incredible cost of creating 1 kg of antimatter, and the unknown technology required to 1kg of Moreover, 1 gram of antimatter, about 1/25th of an ounce, would equal "23 space shuttle fuel tanks of energy." Now look up at the $10^{13}$ row and notice this entry - "Yield of the Little Boy atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War II". Antimatter is just like normal matter, except that some of its properties are opposite that of normal matter. but with a gram of antimatter you can make a 43 kiloton bomb. Its not about moving at c. If you had 0.5 g of matter and another 0.5 g of antimatter and they completely annihilated, turning into energy, youd get a Hiroshima explosion on your desk. Using the convention that 1 kiloton TNT equivalent = 4.18410 12 joules (or one trillion calories of energy), one half gram of antimatter reacting with one half gram of ordinary matter (one gram total) results in 21.5 kilotons-equivalent of energy (the same as the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945). How much bang? The weapon free-falls to the planet, using small nitrogen-vent thrusters to guide itself to its target. A mass of antimatter interacting with an equal mass of normal matter will, in principle, release energy equal to the total mass-energy of the two, given by E=mc^2 (where c is the velocity of light in a vacuum). A bomb made from 1kg of antimatter will therefore produce 2*1* (3x10^8)^2=1.8x10^17 joules (180 petajoules) of energy. Answer (1 of 4): About 23.25 grams of antimatter completely reacting with 23.25 grams of matter would release 1 megaton of energy. The fourth and final type of specialized torpedo is the tactical transphasic torpedo. Making 1 gram of antimatter would require approximately 25 million billion kilowatt-hours of C) nucleons in the nucleus. An explosion of 1 kg of matter and 1 kg of antimatter is a pretty large explosion 43 million tons of TNT, 1 gram is still 43 kton a couple of times that of Hiroshima so your "cloud" would appear quite cloud-like at any significant distance. ( more than three times as powerful as A gram of antimatter could produce an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb. All of the antiprotons created at Fermilabs Tevatron particle accelerator add up to only 15 nanograms. Antimatter in the form of individual anti-particles, however, is commonly produced by particle accelerators and in some types of radioactive decay. An ounce of antimatter would yield in the order of 1 megaton, which is still city-killing in terms of radius and force. 1 gram of antimatter and matter is about 3x the energy yield of Little Boy, so the 10 grams you need for a relativistic projectile gives you about 30x that energy yield. Annihilation requires and converts exactly equal masses of antimatter and matter by the collision which releases the entire mass-energy of both, which for 1 gram is ~910 13 joules. And the 1 gram of regular matter that the antimatter annihilated would also release 22 kilotons of TNT-worth of energy. An antimatter weapon is a theoretically possible device using antimatter as a power source, a propellant, or an explosive for a weapon. Registered Member. Two forms of Antimatter exist within the Voltz pack. 1 antimatter annihilation yields 2 x 10 9 eV = 3.2 x 10-10 joules, so 1 MT is about 1.4 x 10 25 annihilations. This is one of the more common types of "TNT equivalence" and is the one used on USGS form 9-4040A. In its final form (i.e. Well, in theory if you mix one gram of matter with one gram of antimatter you should get 1.810 14 joules of energy or about 43 kilotons. B) neutrons in the nucleus. Regulra also comes with a free 1-up. One ounce is 28.349523125 grams. A thermonuclear bomb yields about 50 kt/kg. Considering that it can also be used for energy production, the choice to use precious antimatter for destructive purposes The 500kg we need for the Alcubierre drive will take just under a year. However, humans have produced only a minuscule amount of antimatter. I will assume half of the radius os the planet as our distance. Antimatter 125mg - The smaller amount which is created from Particle Accelerators. In theory, there is only a small amount of material in an antimatter bomb. The fictional bomb works by touching 1 gram of matter to 1 gram of antimatter a substance made of sub-atomic particles with properties opposite those of normal matter particles causing them to annihilate in a tremendous explosion. A) protons in the nucleus. 1 grams of annihilation between matter and anti-matter is 1.8e14 or 43KT thus taken as a whole, the total payload assuming perfect anihilation event = 29240KT or 29.2Mt(megatons) about the energy of 1kg of matter moving at 90%c. The energy required to shake our galaxy is 1.0987074064880249e+50 Joules, this times 100 is 1.0987074e+52 Joules. The stupendously laggy explosion let me look inside, and it appeared that the explosion actually takes place at the vessel's root part (the cupola), not the antimatter pod. so we're talking just over one minute to make 1 gram of antimatter? I didn't think about it, but I guess if you had dense antimatter you could cause an implosion, not sure if it would be throwable though. In 1928, British physicist Paul Dirac wrote down an equation that combined quantum theory and special relativity to describe the behaviour of an electron moving at a relativistic speed. Tema resimleri Radius Images tarafndan tasarlanmtr Stargazer Profili ziyaret edin Arivleme Haziran 2018 1; Mays 2017 3; Nisan 2017 1; M is mass in kilograms and E is energy in joules. According to the wiki, it should be able to get a 35m explosion radius when Power Range is maxed out. Note It is convention to use ton compared to short ton, net ton American or tonne (1000 kilogrammes.) Refer to the Boom Table Figure that one gram of antimatter (mixed with 1 gram of matter) will give you 1.8 x 10 14 joules of boom. So 4.7 x 10 15 Joules = 1 MT. Now we need to know how this works in tons. A) protons in the nucleus. The decay to muons should keep most of their energy (~105/140=0,75 as rough estimate). How big is an antimatter explosion? We could make this happen if we work at it. Captain Kirk: "Let's hope it's as powerful as man will ever get." Therefore, we can determine that individual packets may be as small as 1 gram apiece. What is the blast radius of a nuke? The ablative engine, which slowly vaporizes itself to produce thrust, could go as high as 5,000 seconds. One could argue that we will never try to develop antimatter weapons. This is about 12 gram-atomic-masses of antimatter (antiprotons), and 12 grams of matter (protons). per gram of controllable antimatter, we might have a business model. Death is highly likely and radiation poisoning is almost certain if one is caught in the open with no terrain or building masking effects within a radius of 0 3 km from a 1 megaton airburst, and the 50% chance of death from the blast extends out to ~ 8 km from the same 1 megaton atmospheric explosion. Those muons have a typical decay length of ~3c=2km, and release electrons which can produce small showers as well (with ~1/4 of the original energy). Check out my latest presentation built on emaze.com, where anyone can create & share professional presentations, websites and photo albums in minutes. A nuclear or positron reactor can make over 900 seconds. Theres a simple way to remember. 1kg of matter/antimatter has a yield of 180,000,000,000MJ or 43MT of TNT My understanding is that the radius scales with the cube root of the energy. A) electron shells that surround the nucleus. All of the antiprotons created at Fermilabs Tevatron particle accelerator add up to only 15 nanograms. 1 gram of TNT = 2930.76 joules. So, adding this to the explosion value, we have 4.6736845e+52 Joules for the explosion. Antimatter annihilation from anti-hydrogen is surprisingly messy: it will not be pure gamma rays. Still a big bang. Even 1 gram (or a 1000th kilogram) would still have some 20 kiloton explosion, which is comparable to the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and which much more and nastier radiation. Just for comparison, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki had the energy of 8.4 10 7 MJ. Or a 'city-killer' nuke. It looks like 1 mole of hydrogen is about 1 gram, according to Google. I went to wolframalpha.com, and typed in this. G. gongolongo Junior Member. The truth about the destructive potential of antimatter is considerably less dramatic. The payload is set around 1.5 pounds of antiproton. Antimatter 1G - The larger amount which is created by combining multiple 125mg cells. The Claymore Edge series contain anti-tamper protocols. What is the blast radius of a nuke? (0.05670 kg) * (2.9979e8 m/s ^ 2) = 5.09577E+15 joules There are 4.18e15 joules in a megaton, so 5.09577E+15 joules dvided by 4.18e15 equates to 1.21908 megatons. So 1 gigaton. 10 grams of antimatter will annihilate 10 g matter, which just produces 429.6 kT. If you had a continuous 1-g gravity field, 4.184 10 joules would be enough to move an 85.0 kg person straight up in it by 5.02 10 meters (0.530 light years). 1 gram of TNT = 700 calories = 700*4.1868 joules. However, roughly 50% will be emitted as neutrinos, which will deal zero damage whatsoever. Given that 1 ton is equal to 2240 pounds or 1016.046909 kg we should be able to scale up the explosive yield simply. However, humans have produced only a minuscule amount of antimatter. 1 megatonne = 2,977,789,639,020,840 joules. If an internal link led you here, you may change it to point directly to the intended article. Its not about moving at c. If you had 0.5 g of matter and another 0.5 g of antimatter and they completely annihilated, turning into energy, youd get a Hiroshima explosion on your desk. For instance, the antimatter equivalent to the electron is called the positron. It's the only way to be sure. The atomic scattering factor has been tabulated for all elements. The best chemical rockets, like NASA's Space Shuttle main engine, max out at around 450 seconds, which means a pound of fuel will produce a pound of thrust for 450 seconds. Antimatter Explosives are tier 4 explosive and one of the most devastating and costly in the ICBM arsenal. 1 gigaton of TNT releases approximately 4.184 10 joules upon explosion. Posted by Soulskill on Monday February 21, 2011 @05:47PM from the go-big-or-go-home dept. You just need to make your cloud thin enough that you do not get an excessive rate of infall. The question is as follows: A projectile is moving at 20 m/s at its highest point, where it breaks into equal parts due to an internal explosion. 2,977,789,639,020,840 joules A two hundred kilometre crater would require above 100,000,000 megatonnes. Spoiler: Eris' Blessing. Yes 1 g has that much energy. Black holes are objects whos mass has been compressed into the Schwarzchild Radius of that mass. besides again hit the trade offs of blast radius. One part moves vertically up at 30 m/s with respect homework-and-exercises newtonian When it hits the target the capsule breaks and the Physicists Build Bigger 'Bottles' For Antimatter 119. This preview shows page 21 - 23 out of 90 pages.preview shows page 21 - 23 out of 90 pages. 1 gram of TNT = 2930.76 joules 1 kg of TNT = 2930.76j*1000g = 2930760 joules. So 0.002 kilograms (2 grams) times 9.010 16 equals 1.810 14 joules. $\endgroup$ Using the convention that 1 kiloton TNT equivalent = 4.18410 12 joules (or one trillion calories of energy), one gram of antimatter reacting with one gram of ordinary matter results in 42.96 kilotons-equivalent of energy (though there is considerable "loss" by production of neutrinos). $\begingroup$ For shooting it through the air: you need to have some kind of containment anyway and a single gram of antimatter-matter annihilation is like an atombomb going off so you dont need much. I mean at a $1 billion per gram, i.e. Or 680grams. 1 gram of antimatter explosion radius. An antimatter weapon is a theoretically possible device using antimatter as a power source, a propellant, or an explosive for a weapon. This worksheet uses the property of energy called the heat of combustion or heat of explosion and is expressed in units of kilocalories per gram. 1 gram of matter and antimatter consist of the weapons ordinance, providing an earth-shattering explosion without really shattering the planet. 1 gram of TNT = 700 calories = 700*4.1868 joules. Those made at CERN amount to about 1 nanogram. 1 gram of antimatter and matter is about 3x the energy yield of Little Boy, so the 10 grams you need for a relativistic projectile gives you about 30x that energy yield. With careful planning, I expect less well less than 1 gram of antimatter would be needed to make this a bad day for the earth. The difficulty in getting antimatter to "blow up" is one reason why the US never developed an antimatter bomb. However, the TM indicates that a photon torpedo carries 1.5kg of antimatter which presumably reacts with an equal amount of matter. The fictional bomb works by touching 1 gram of matter to 1 gram of antimatter a substance made of sub-atomic particles with properties opposite those of normal matter particles causing them to annihilate in a tremendous explosion. A few gram antimatters energy can be bigger than a explosion of a nuclear bomb. According to the chart, the Dinosaur Killer was 80 teratons of TNT, or 3.4 x 10 23 joules. A laser drove electrons through a millimeter-radius gold target's nuclei, which caused the incoming electrons to emit energy quanta that decayed into both matter and antimatter. Yes 1 g has that much energy. Antimatter in the form of anti-atoms is one of the most difficult materials to produce. The reaction of 1 kg of antimatter with 1 kg of matter would produce 1.8 10 17 J (180 petajoules) of energy (by the massenergy equivalence formula, E = mc 2), or the rough equivalent of 43 megatons of TNT slightly less than the yield of the 27,000 kg Tsar Bomb, the largest thermonuclear weapon ever detonated. Refer to the Boom Table Figure that one gram of antimatter (mixed with 1 gram of matter) will give you 1.8 x 10 14 joules of boom. In our case, we're taking the mass of earth plus the mass of the antimatter planet. Now look up at the $10^{13}$ row and notice this entry - "Yield of the Little Boy atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War II". QED. The series consists of Claymore I mines with 0.0005 grams of antimatter, giving a yield equivalent to 21 tons of TNT; Claymore II mines with 0.005 grams of antimatter, giving a yield equivalent to 210 tons of TNT; and the Claymore III, with 0.05 grams of amat for a yield of 2.1 kilotons. Normally I would agree to a degree but as 1 gram of antimatter would have a yield of 1 kiloton of explosive. Antimatter. Depends how big your hydrogen bomb is of course, biggest is the Tsar device at 50Mt. A typical modern fusion weapon is 100-200Kt so a teaspoon of antimatter would be 10-20 of these. It would be about 100x the yield of a Hiroshima (fission) bomb - perhaps this is what the TV program was thinking of? A gram of antimatter could produce an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb. A gram of antimatter could produce an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb. If you were exploding a teaspoon of anti-matter the total energy would be twice this since you are also using up a teaspoon of matter. Depends how big your hydrogen bomb is of course, biggest is the Tsar device at 50Mt. A typical modern fusion weapon is 100-200Kt so a teaspoon of antimatter would be 10-20 of these. Eris' Blessing (400 cp, discount Rogue) - The Gods in charge of sending adventurers like yourself to new worlds have gotten pretty tired of the recent trend of humiliating deaths and defeats. Antimatter has 100 times the energy as nuclear fusion, but that might not mean it does 100 times the damage. 1 gram = 1 microton: 4.8 10 03: 1.2 grams: Laser bolt from a Luke Campbell assault laser: 6.822 10 03: 1.6 grams.458 Magnum Winchester "Africa" round: 9.04 10 03: 2.2 grams.450 Magnum Dakota round: 1.0 10 04: 2.39 grams: Laser bolt from a Luke Campbell battle laser (50 pulses of 200 J each, spaced 10 microseconds apart) 1.0187 10 04: 2.44 grams https://www.livescience.com/33348-antimatter-destroy-world.html 4.7 MJ = 1 kg of TNT. Here's the steps I went through to calculate the real-life blast radius of an antigrain warhead: Assuming the combined mass of the matter and antimatter to be annihilated to be 1 gram (this seemed about right for a "grain"), I used the famous formula E = MC 2 to calculate the output energy of the reaction. Explosion Radius/Area; Explosion Speed Calculations; Policies III. Acquiring and storing antimatter John was at center of the explosion, on that planet. Annihilation requires and converts exactly equal masses of antimatter and matter by the collision which releases the entire mass-energy of both, which for 1 gram is ~1.81014 joules. TNT equivalent is a convention for expressing energy, typically used to describe the energy released in an explosion.The tonne of TNT is a unit of energy defined by that convention to be 4.184 gigajoules, which is the approximate energy released in the detonation of a metric ton (1,000 kilograms) of TNT.In other words, for each gram of TNT exploded, 4.184 kilojoules (or

1 gram of antimatter explosion radius

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